First Time Homebuyer
Are you ready? Where do you start? Fixed rate or variable rate? Open or closed mortgage?
What’s an amortization period? Is home ownership even right for you? This is where we come
in. There is a lot to learn before you make the leap into home ownership and we can help you
figure out what is best for your specific circumstance.
We know that buying a home is probably the single biggest investment you’ll ever make and
that you want to make wise decisions. We want that for you too. Because credit union members
are also shareholders, our success depends on your success. So giving you the absolute best
advice we can is in our best interests too.
You’ve got options. And understanding where to start is a first step to being PREPared.
Get started by booking an appointment. We can discuss your options and determine the right
plan to get you into your home sooner. Or you can get started online with our first timer’s
guide, designed to help you answer a few questions and understand what’s next.